Thursday, October 6, 2011

timid hello

okay so hi. It's fall out there and I'm roasting squash and finishing emails and things before work and rehearsal. I'm thinking about projects I have started, yet to start, thinking of starting; rolling up the cuff on my jeans, stepping on the cat's tail by accident, making coffee. This computer is humming loudly and growing very warm to the touch. There are way too many dirty dishes next to my bed. Speaking of projects, I want to paint my room; I'm feeling something between pistachio and olive drab. chartruese. or an orange ochre would be fantastic. it needs something. It also might help to put away the boxes finally.

Small discoveries is where it's at. Yesterday I discovered that my apartment key also works to open the building's front door. Who knew? I only needed on key.
or, the really beautiful things that people say when you ask questions and really listen.
how nice it is to ask for help.
how delicious Darcy's chili was the other night.
holy sugar, it was good!
even discovering that we're out of toliet paper. you know, you have to thank god for these times.

In other news, I've been to Europe and back since the last post. Oh, you know. Just went to see a bunch of theatre in London adn Edinburgh. Just went to the Fringe Festival in the coolest city ever. No huge deal, I just saw theatre that CHANGED MY LIFE. Ugh. It was incredible. I'm still recovering, and that was the end of August. But someone told me a couple days ago that I shouldn't recover. I shouldn't recover. And I realized, yes. This is truth.

In other news, my ex-landlord is being awesome and witholding lots of money from us. awesome.

In other news, we haev a new roommate. she's great! and her cat is adorbs.

In other news, I'm in a show at Gordon about Jane Austen and her writing of Pride and Prejudice (and the characters who appear in the middle of her life and makes waves that she is not expecting!). And while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it is going to be a really good show. And I promise that if you come you will not leave disappointed. It's called Lizzy, Darcy, and Jane; we're doing the American premeire, and we open Oct 21. here's more info, if the spirit leads:

in other news, I must dash off the stir the squash.

love all.