Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pebble the Vote

rock, stone, pebble, boulder, sand, stalagmite, geode the vote.

Yeah, well. It's a new day, but I'm still sweating like I was yesterday, I still hunger, I still thirst.

I vote to vote every day. Shane Claiborne put it well on Sunday; I'm thankful that I was able to hear that. It gave validation to what I was already thinking: the last chapter in Jesus for President.

I vote every day with my actions and my love. Redemption does not come through the government. I did not really feel strongly 'one way or another about this election; as cooky as that may sound. I did not feel like my vote would be strongly backed by some obligation. So I am a non-vote. I am not unaware or apathetic. It's my choice. Coming out to support the country and to have my voice heard one day every four years is not the way I want to live my walk with Christ. It's more important, and it is more immediate.

Vulnerability of the nations rests in the hands of each other.
Vulnerability is in my hands. And I will do with it what I can. I could not find enough validation to support any candidate for president. I will make my efforts to bolster the Church, and activate deadness in the world around me. There is so much to do. Let's not sit on our asses and wait for the new president to pick us up out of the dirt. This dirt is spiritual, and it is physical. And it is real. Love in amazing ways, and dirt will become less and less heavy and blinding. Perhaps the Church can begin again and draw close to the definition of the Early Church of the Bible; what the Church is meant to be. What is that? What IS that?


I was a pharisee,
I never saw my need for grace.
Then your love came to me
stood next to mine, and I saw that I was poor.

Show me I was poor.
Show us we are,
show us we are.

Glory, glorious.
We are glory, glorious.
Not from what good we have done
but from being the least.

Oh, I don't know how I was made.

My heaven tower sways atop their fleeting praise.
God, I don't know how I was made.

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