Monday, March 14, 2011


I just read a facebook conversation concerning gay marriage and I am in shock. Just, shaking my head...

I had a few realizations:

Firstly. It is so crazy to me that these kind of conversations happen on a Facebook status. To be expected I suppose.

Secondly. I am surprised and so shocked when I realize that there are so many people in this world who see the world so differently than I do. I almost forget this sometimes. I just figure everyone is at the same level. I'm like, "aren't we DONE with this one?!?!"

Thirdly. There are a lot of people who clearly don't personally know anyone who is gay.

Fourthly. That I have a hard time respecting people who say rampantly inappropriate, close-minded, unintelligent and offensive things. My natural response progression is to be angry, then disgusted, then feel bad for them for being so close-minded, and then I want to walk away and give up trying to argue. If I even argue at all.

Fifthly. I have much respect for people who can engage in this kind of conversation. I would truly struggle. I get too angry.

oh my word.

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