Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thus Saith the Lord.

So, The Prince of Egypt is an amazing film, in it's own right. I miss the times of eating grilled cheese and tomato soup and watching this film in the middle of the day.

This being a crazy week, I have really nothing to say to fit into the 15 minutes I have to post something right now- I have to get back to Hebrew. But I have felt more calm since I started to write these things again, and I figured now is as good a time as ever for calm.

after borrowing some lip gloss earlier I now remember why I don't ever have lip gloss. My lips are sticking together like I spread them with honey. and they have a false sense of shininess that can be attributed to nothing other than an unnatural lip. It is altogether a worthless thing.


I have other revelations to discuss. but alas, no time

to this weekend: you come at an alarming rate. please let us crash together rather smoothly, it would be much appreciated.

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