Saturday, June 20, 2009

I am full of something,
but no words.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is the cutest.

pink tongue


In Southie. I've never hung out here for an extended period of time. Very neighborhood feely. I kind of like it. Plus I just had a pretty yum falafel pita. I'm at.... Amsterdam Cafe. wifi + couches = good right now. Hectic morning with a fashion show. It really wasn't that large, but there was a variable amount of stress to be had (and was had). I did makeup first for a few models (fun), was told I was like an artist with a canvas, watched a pretty awesome stomp team perform, organized and labeled outfits and accessories for models, did some management.

The other make-up artist came up from New Jersey (I thought I was coming from fairly far away...), although she doesn't do make-up professionally either (not being trained- like me) but she was very all about it. At first I felt a little intimidated, but I played off of her style (she had already done a few models by the time I got there) so that our models wouldn't look drastically different. She was doing big make-up, and I'm more into the natural-look. Unfortunately, she was the one who purchased the make-up we used, so there wasn't any natural colors so I just had pinks, blues, purples, and grays to work with. I made it work.

I have to say, having too many people managing things gets to be too complicated. I tried to stay out of the way and just be efficient during the actual show.

It's quite warm, and there was absolutely no air conditioning.

There is an interesting conversation happening across the way from me. I can't tell what language these two men are speaking. It's not quite German.

I just want to record somewhere the hilarity that was this morning: trying to figure out what the HECK to wear to a fashion show for goodness sake. Suzanne was my audience for my small fashion show trying to find something decent. And then I put some makeup on. Funny thing.

there is a giant dog outside the front window. I want to give it a hug.

I should be working on my play, but instead I'm writing this and listening to Lauryn Hill.

Friday, June 12, 2009

AAAAND, just bought tickets to mewithoutYou on July 11!

for my birthday. everyone come.
buy here
$18.30 total

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

things n things

BLOG to follow:

It is the blog of the community house of which I am now a part. We are on a great adventure. And so far, it's . I have no words.

I have no internet at my house, so everything is slowing down and I can't post often. poo.


The crumpled bodies of worms,
moist and pallid one day--
dried and browned the next;
as it is with most things.
The small sort of warmth of your hand on
my shoulder, sitting quite still. Voicing
prayers of wax, melting and re-forming
into the shapes of our bodies.
We are so close together,
barely touching with a slight sway
in your direction, and a wisp of your hair.
It is heated from the sun, dark and unruly--
climbing about your face and toggling your beard
with many fingers.

All things pass away, even this.
even this.
Soon, you are going
to the rain and snow--
And I will stay here.

Your teeth are hiding- glimpsing the air slowly
out one side of your mouth,
and that little tilt of your head to the right.
Your hair is quite long now,
different. As you are.
even this.