Friday, March 20, 2009

my latest yummy.

It’s never been that quiet, I’ve found.

It’s never that quiet that I think-

that specific quietness that I want so very much I could scream

if I could find it afterwards.

But even this morning, lying on the rug-

I heard my own ears. The buffeting sharpness

that is the constant ring inside my canals;

the tiny hairs in there being tussled by air flow.

Even then, it remains the same as it’s always been:

almost there.

And, it really isn’t comforting. I’d rather

hear the peepers, or the tree frogs latching on the porch door

with a slap; or the high winds

over me being whipped around.

just the echo of the last sound I heard- that rumble that

my drum

can’t get rid of.

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