Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh my, what a lovefly day.

I just was about to change that typo to 'lovely' like I had originally intended, but have decided better of it.

this spoon of hummus tastes really good, though I just found a surprise lemon seed in there.

Jasper is really such a joy.

Mother's Day. Hallmark planned holiday or not:
Thanks to my mom for carrying me around for 9+ months, every day EVERY SECOND even when you wanted to put me down and be skinny again, or when you got sick and felt like forgetting all this, or when a baby sounded like too much change, too much responsibility, or when you wanted to do cartwheels in those final months.

I will miss that when I'm pregnant. if ever that happens, that is.

Is it okay to cartwheel when pregnant? That will be a question I will have to find out at some point.

I still hate the word pregnant. embarazado is a little better, although that sounds like apologizing.

Well, it is Spring. It has sprung. Time for long skirts and short hair.
and tulips.

and sun iced tea!

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