Thursday, July 1, 2010

post-nyc, pre-job

So, I have a few days to... myself. Mostly filled with the dread of things I should be doing-
moving fully upstairs, cleaning out stuff, organizing, planning, checking my diminishing bank balance. And remembering things I've forgotten: depositing house fund checks for rent, finishing and sending in paperwork, being on top of things, etc. Adult things.

And I can't help but want to watch the hunchback of notre dame and eat grilled cheese and tomato soup all day, while cuddling with poofy blankets. And, it's been pretty damn good weather out there too, a little hot even (a little?). What the hell is this?

But I'm to make community dinner tonight, something that should make me feel better. hopefully. Maybe that will make me an adult.

I'm in denial. or something.

So, I make cupcakes instead. delicious vegan cupcakes. and now, I'm an adult.

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