Sunday, October 12, 2008

and I, being a leech, look for comfort like it is my job.

I don't care what anyone thinks, I like Something Corporate's I Woke Up in a Car.
Pandora just put it on, and I forgot how much I like it. So high school!!

today is a wonderful thing.
I am halfway done with my box of kleenex with the orange gerber daisy on the front.
in contemplation, as much as my homework is gathering weight, I just want to sit here and listen to music.

I'm realizing this blog has no purpose.

I almost don't care. I'm doing this for me.

watching your body lean
against the wall in that picture.
it was a mirror. you are in two places inside of it-
half invisible in both.
There you are, trapped without my irritating literature to
help you comprehend what is it.
I don't think you can hear
me now. or,
or now.

what is it, that makes us die?
Did I ask to be birthed screaming
obscenities in my eyes before I know how to speak?

I miss you these days.
I see you've shifted two half-ghosts;
one part watching the lens, testing the wall for it's strength.
the other, looking down.
at a sole mark on the stair?
Chafe it out with a stubborn foot
tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh,
dispute the way of things;
toes tight and curled under from the cold.
chuck it, you death. chuck it.

tuh tuh.

hastily staunched foot from friction over and over,
perpendicular chest to the left-
swaying mockingly with the movement;
slight shock in the hands, thumping head in rhythm.
it is all obnoxious: all this half intangible.
wanting so badly a name
but never, ever, asking for one.

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