Tuesday, January 4, 2011

three days later... (4)

three-and-change days into the new year and so many things have happened already. possible?
apparently. I've already watched enough movies to last me through the next few months (possibly semester) so, hoorah. ps. Inception was just as brilliant the second time.
I made seitan for the first time (obviously the same for the computer, it doesn't know what to make of that word. seems to want to make it into "sextant", whatever that is) the other day. And twice, actually, because the first time it was mush and I don't want to talk about it... but that's what you get for following recipes, I always say.
My dad came in after it came out of the oven and said it smelled like I was making chicken. So I don't know if that's good or bad.

dear friends, weddings and engagements all around, cold winds of cabot, driving again, having a phone again, moving, full-time student (!!!), work and teaching, etc.
all new things to come back to.

to do list:
find lost box of clothes that has my work shirt.
figure out menu for dinner on Thursday
figure out wedding gift.
many pictures to upload to facebook.
slow computer that makes above task nigh impossible or at the least, last a fortnight. I had to delete things from my computer because my hard drive is maxed out, very funny.
figure out classes for this semester.
figure out life.

1 comment:

the Crow himself said...

I learned about sextants when I was watching 'Treasure Island'.

Any luck kicking that computer into gear?

Keep writing these. I like them.
